[95] Skarlata Ojara 01 09 2010

Programa de continuïtat dedicat a l’Ska-Jazz.


New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble “Boogie Stop Shuffle”
The Senior All Stars “Blackbirds”
Jazzbo “One for Daddy”
Shanty Town “Night club (Nipples on fire)”
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra “Ryuusei to ballade – instrumental”
New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble “Linecheck Samurai”
St Petersburg Ska Jazz Review “Oriental Guest”
Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation “Miletsones”
The Senior All Stars “Vamonos”
Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation “Shameless”
St Petersburg Ska Jazz Review “Night on the bus”
Dave Hillyard & The Rocksteady 7 “Change of plans”
Amusic Skazz Band “I’m beginning to see the light”

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