[92] Skarlata Ojara 11 08 2010

Aquesta continuïtat musical és un repàs a les novetats discogràfiques d’aquest darrer any a nivell internacional.


Anthony B “God above everything” (Memories vol.1)
Toots & The Maytals “Almight Way” (Flip and Twist)
The Slackers “The same everyday” (The great rocksteady swindle)
Babylove & The Van Dangos “The money & the time” (The money & the time)
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra “Ryuusei to ballade” (Ryuusei to ballade)
Satélite Kingston “Plomo” (El enemigo)
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra “Juggling city” (World ska symphony)
Sizzla “Progress” (Crucial times)
Satélite Kingston “En mil años” (El enemigo)
Babylove & The Van Dangos “I want you here” (The money & the time)
Sizzla “Precious gift” (Crucial times)
The Slackers “How it feels” (The great rocksteady swindle)
Toots & The Maytals “Higher Ground” (Flip and Twist)
Anthony B “Striving” (Memories vol.1)

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